Your name in chinese Rens

How is Rens written in chinese?

Rens in simplified chinese:


Rens in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Rens in chinese?

Rens transcribed to pinyin:

rèn sī

Pronunciation of Rens in chinese:

Picture of the name Rens in chinese:

The name Rens in chinese characters

Meaning of Rens characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle

Example sentences that contain Rens in chinese:

Rens's favorite fruit is the banana


rènsī zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì xiāngjiāo

Rens has given seven books a Edvin


rènsī gěi āidéwén sòngle qī běn shū

Rens now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Maria Pilar 玛丽亚·皮拉
Eleasha 伊莱莎
Germiley 杰米利
Nahuel Julio 纳韦尔胡里奥
Edbert 埃德伯特
Kelio 凯里奥
Sayma 赛马
Kynem 基内姆
Renske 伦斯克

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