Your name in chinese Rick

How is Rick written in chinese?

Rick in simplified chinese:


Rick in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Rick in chinese?

Rick transcribed to pinyin:

ruì kè

Pronunciation of Rick in chinese:

Picture of the name Rick in chinese:

The name Rick in chinese characters

Meaning of Rick characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
felicitous omen; auspicious
gram; overcome; transliteration

Example sentences that contain Rick in chinese:

Rick is studying russian


ruìkè zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Rick's friend has three motorcycles


ruìkè de péngyǒu yǒu sān liàng mótuōchē

Rick now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Akshay 阿克谢
Tifaine 蒂凡
Jovencio 约文乔
Machine 机器
Dawneva 道涅娃
Eimaan 艾曼
Arishah 阿里沙
Saul 扫罗
Dodge 躲闪
Daphne 达芙妮

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