Your name in chinese Rick Jason
How is Rick Jason written in chinese?
Rick Jason in simplified chinese:
Rick Jason in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Rick Jason in chinese?
Rick Jason transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Rick Jason in chinese:
Picture of the name Rick Jason in chinese:

Meaning of Rick Jason characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
里 | unit of distance; village; lane |
克 | gram; overcome; transliteration |
杰 | hero; heroic, outstanding |
森 | forest; luxuriant vegetation |
Example sentences that contain Rick Jason in chinese:
Rick Jason is studying russian
Rick Jason wants to go to Argentina
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Hackett | 哈克特 |
Carlos Ignacio | 卡洛斯·伊格纳西奥 |
Emyli | 埃米利 |
Flora | 植物群 |
Ailyn | 艾琳 |
Shailyn | 谢琳 |
Lizel | 莉泽尔 |
Jaquan | 贾泉 |
Anthony Polvino | 安东尼·波尔维诺 |
Muriel | 穆里尔 |