Your name in chinese Rileigh

How is Rileigh written in chinese?

Rileigh in simplified chinese:


Rileigh in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Rileigh in chinese?

Rileigh transcribed to pinyin:

ruì lì

Pronunciation of Rileigh in chinese:

Picture of the name Rileigh in chinese:

The name Rileigh in chinese characters

Meaning of Rileigh characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
felicitous omen; auspicious
gains, advantage, profit, merit

Example sentences that contain Rileigh in chinese:

Rileigh has given seven watches a Alyana


ruìlì gěi ālìyànà sòngle qī ge shǒubiǎo

Rileigh and Alyana are very good friends


ruìlì hé ālìyànà shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Luscarly 卢斯卡利
Nanci 南慈
Isabel Tang 伊莎贝尔·唐
Randi 兰迪
Kayan 卡扬
Mirela 看着她
Nary 纳里
Ellinor 埃利诺
Isis Estrada 伊希斯埃斯特拉达

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