Your name in chinese Ritsuka
How is Ritsuka written in chinese?
Ritsuka in simplified chinese:
Ritsuka in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Ritsuka in chinese?
Ritsuka transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Ritsuka in chinese:
Picture of the name Ritsuka in chinese:

Meaning of Ritsuka characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
立 | stand; let stand; establish, set |
冢 | burial mound, mausoleum; grand |
Example sentences that contain Ritsuka in chinese:
Ritsuka wants to go to Peru
Ritsuka and Narcis are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Barlin | 巴林 |
Taylah | 泰拉 |
Argent | 银色 |
Maria Elisa | 玛丽亚·伊丽莎 |
Jayliah | 杰利亚 |
Ludivine | 卢迪文 |
Anae | 阿内 |
Kenji | 健二 |
Nawel | 纳维尔 |
Jo Ana | 乔安娜 |