Your name in chinese Rizkita

How is Rizkita written in chinese?

Rizkita in simplified chinese:


Rizkita in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Rizkita in chinese?

Rizkita transcribed to pinyin:

lǐ zī jī tǎ

Pronunciation of Rizkita in chinese:

Picture of the name Rizkita in chinese:

The name Rizkita in chinese characters

Meaning of Rizkita characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
unit of distance; village; lane
now, here; this; time, year
foundation, base
tower, spire, tall building

Example sentences that contain Rizkita in chinese:

Rizkita has given nine dogs a Gigi


lǐzījītǎ gěi jíjí sòngle jiǔ zhī gǒu

Rizkita is studying french


lǐzījītǎ zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Lauryne 劳琳
Mav 小牛
Mercy Cortes 梅西·科尔特斯
Elden 埃尔登
Rojasf 罗哈斯夫
Isela 伊塞拉
Ripul 里普尔
Durga 杜尔加
Yuki 由纪
Javier Ramos 哈维尔·拉莫斯

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