Your name in chinese Ronei Henrique

How is Ronei Henrique written in chinese?

Ronei Henrique in simplified chinese:


Ronei Henrique in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ronei Henrique in chinese?

Ronei Henrique transcribed to pinyin:

luó nèi ēn lǐ kè

Pronunciation of Ronei Henrique in chinese:

Picture of the name Ronei Henrique in chinese:

The name Ronei Henrique in chinese characters

Meaning of Ronei Henrique characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
net for catching birds; gauze
· Meaning not available
kindness, mercy, charity
unit of distance; village; lane
gram; overcome; transliteration

Example sentences that contain Ronei Henrique in chinese:

Ronei Henrique's friend has nine trees


luónèiēnlǐkè de péngyǒu yǒu jiǔ kē shù

Ronei Henrique is studying russian


luónèiēnlǐkè zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Ronei Henrique now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Harlow 哈洛
Deborah 德博拉
Alyssa 阿丽莎
Calabaza 卡拉巴扎
Chirag 奇拉格
Shotokan 松涛馆
Bakary 巴卡里
Qwabe 夸贝
Bouarfa 布阿尔法

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