Your name in chinese Rouco

How is Rouco written in chinese?

Rouco in simplified chinese:


Rouco in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Rouco in chinese?

Rouco transcribed to pinyin:

lǔ kē

Pronunciation of Rouco in chinese:

Picture of the name Rouco in chinese:

The name Rouco in chinese characters

Meaning of Rouco characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
section, department, science

Example sentences that contain Rouco in chinese:

Rouco wants to go to Russia


lǔkē xiǎng qù éguó

Rouco has given three televisions a Kibo


lǔkē gěi jībó sòngle sān tái diànshì

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Rushi 鲁士
Novak 诺瓦克
Asakura 朝仓
Kanza 观座
Noor 努尔
Reem 雷姆
Mejas 梅哈斯
Luca 路卡
Yeraldine 耶拉尔丁
Mirco 米尔科

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