Your name in chinese Rouco
How is Rouco written in chinese?
Rouco in simplified chinese:
Rouco in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Rouco in chinese?
Rouco transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Rouco in chinese:
Picture of the name Rouco in chinese:

Meaning of Rouco characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
鲁 | foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar |
科 | section, department, science |
Example sentences that contain Rouco in chinese:
Rouco wants to go to Russia
Rouco has given three televisions a Kibo
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Rushi | 鲁士 |
Novak | 诺瓦克 |
Asakura | 朝仓 |
Kanza | 观座 |
Noor | 努尔 |
Reem | 雷姆 |
Mejas | 梅哈斯 |
Luca | 路卡 |
Yeraldine | 耶拉尔丁 |
Mirco | 米尔科 |