Your name in chinese Roweie

How is Roweie written in chinese?

Roweie in simplified chinese:


Roweie in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Roweie in chinese?

Roweie transcribed to pinyin:

luó wēi

Pronunciation of Roweie in chinese:

Picture of the name Roweie in chinese:

The name Roweie in chinese characters

Meaning of Roweie characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
net for catching birds; gauze
pomp, power; powerful; dominate

Example sentences that contain Roweie in chinese:

Roweie is studying italian


luówēi zhèngzài xuéxí yìdàlìwén

Roweie wants to go to China


luówēi xiǎng qù zhōngguó

Roweie now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Roweie in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Estilee 埃斯蒂利
Marc 马克
Izet 伊泽
Mia Tao 陶米娅
Shamei 沙美
Ridvan 里德万
Kennedith 肯尼迪斯
Lucienne 露西恩
Jose Rafael 何塞·拉斐尔
Agusti 奥古斯蒂

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