Your name in chinese Rudiy
How is Rudiy written in chinese?
Rudiy in simplified chinese:
Rudiy in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Rudiy in chinese?
Rudiy transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Rudiy in chinese:
Picture of the name Rudiy in chinese:

Meaning of Rudiy characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
鲁 | foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar |
迪 | enlighten, advance; progress |
Example sentences that contain Rudiy in chinese:
Rudiy's favorite color is white
Rudiy wants to go to Argentina
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Mayumi | 真由美 |
Betty Toth | 贝蒂托特 |
Isabel Cristina | 伊莎贝尔·克里斯蒂娜 |
Weldon | 韦尔登 |
Callen | 卡伦 |
Lai Fun | 来芬 |
Addy | 艾迪 |
Austen | 奥斯汀 |
Boris | 鲍里斯 |
Umai | 乌麦 |