Your name in chinese Ruperto

How is Ruperto written in chinese?

Ruperto in simplified chinese:


Ruperto in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ruperto in chinese?

Ruperto transcribed to pinyin:

lǔ pò tuō

Pronunciation of Ruperto in chinese:

Picture of the name Ruperto in chinese:

The name Ruperto in chinese characters

Meaning of Ruperto characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
to hold up with palm; to support, rely on

Example sentences that contain Ruperto in chinese:

Ruperto's favorite color is green


lǔpòtuō zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lǜsè

Ruperto's friend has seven bikes


lǔpòtuō de péngyǒu yǒu qī liàng zìxíngchē

Ruperto now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Venod 维诺德
Abdelghani 阿卜杜勒加尼
Lilas 莉拉斯
Ideco 艾迪克
Laine 莱恩
Anguo 安国
Mazariegos 马萨里戈斯
Joederico 乔德里科
Artes 阿特斯

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