Your name in chinese Sahsa

How is Sahsa written in chinese?

Sahsa in simplified chinese:


Sahsa in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Sahsa in chinese?

Sahsa transcribed to pinyin:

sà shā

Pronunciation of Sahsa in chinese:

Picture of the name Sahsa in chinese:

The name Sahsa in chinese characters

Meaning of Sahsa characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
Buddhist gods or immortals
kind of sedge grass, used anciently for raincoats

Example sentences that contain Sahsa in chinese:

Sahsa has given two books a Donna Marie


sàshā gěi tángnàmǎlì sòngle liǎng běn shū

Sahsa and Donna Marie are very good friends


sàshā hé tángnàmǎlì shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Sahsa now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Senshy 敏感
Leslie 莱斯利
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Darrall 达拉尔
Nicodem 尼可代姆
Graciela 格拉西埃拉
Sawsan 索桑
Eudald 欧达

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