Your name in chinese Said

How is Said written in chinese?

Said in simplified chinese:


Said in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Said in chinese?

Said transcribed to pinyin:

sài yì dé

Pronunciation of Said in chinese:

Picture of the name Said in chinese:

The name Said in chinese characters

Meaning of Said characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
compete, contend; contest, race
right conduct, righteousness
ethics, morality, virtue

Example sentences that contain Said in chinese:

Said's favorite fruit is the handle


sàiyìdé zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì mángguǒ

Said wants to go to Mexico


sàiyìdé xiǎng qù mòxīgē

Said now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Said in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Keithy 基西
Yaret 亚雷特
Misraim 误会
Giana 吉安娜
Nebrija 内布里哈
Leandro 伦德罗
Ama 阿玛
Rocio Carmen 罗西奥·卡门
Luis Savin 路易斯·萨文
Aurea 奥里亚

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