Your name in chinese Saifi
How is Saifi written in chinese?
Saifi in simplified chinese:
Saifi in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Saifi in chinese?
Saifi transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Saifi in chinese:
Picture of the name Saifi in chinese:

Meaning of Saifi characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
赛 | compete, contend; contest, race |
菲 | fragrant, luxuriant; the Philippines |
Example sentences that contain Saifi in chinese:
Saifi's favorite fruit is the orange
Saifi wants to go to Chile
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Louen | 娄恩 |
Kushi | 栉 |
Oswaldo | 奥斯瓦尔多 |
Aldemar | 阿尔德马尔 |
Ginevra | 吉内夫拉 |
Lux | 勒克斯 |
Auxiliadora | 帮手 |
Williams Myla | 威廉姆斯迈拉 |
Burgundy | 勃艮第 |
Gillianne | 吉莉安 |