Your name in chinese Salimata
How is Salimata written in chinese?
Salimata in simplified chinese:
Salimata in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Salimata in chinese?
Salimata transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Salimata in chinese:
Picture of the name Salimata in chinese:

Meaning of Salimata characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
萨 | Buddhist gods or immortals |
利 | gains, advantage, profit, merit |
马 | horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 |
塔 | tower, spire, tall building |
Example sentences that contain Salimata in chinese:
Salimata's favorite color is green
Salimata has given six cars a Maddy
Salimata now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Salimata in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Kion | 凯傲 |
Magalie | 玛嘉丽 |
Kingston | 金斯敦 |
Bat | 蝙蝠 |
Boniface | 博尼法斯 |
Ventus | 文图斯 |
Enjelette | 恩杰莱特 |
Primrose | 报春花 |
Franklin | 富兰克林 |
Subra | 苏布拉 |