Your name in chinese Sav

How is Sav written in chinese?

Sav in simplified chinese:


Sav in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Sav in chinese?

Sav transcribed to pinyin:

bǎo cún

Pronunciation of Sav in chinese:

Picture of the name Sav in chinese:

The name Sav in chinese characters

Meaning of Sav characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
protect, safeguard, defend, care
exist, live, be; survive; remain

Example sentences that contain Sav in chinese:

Sav's favorite color is yellow


bǎocún zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì huángsè

Sav and Tidur are very good friends


bǎocún hé dìdùěr shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Julie Maman 朱莉·马曼
Younice 优尼斯
Roxanne 罗克珊
Zany I 滑稽的我
Ilyan 伊利安
Xian Yuy 冼玉仪
Karamba 卡兰巴
Islander 岛民
Besim 贝西姆

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