Your name in chinese Sayajin
How is Sayajin written in chinese?
Sayajin in simplified chinese:
Sayajin in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Sayajin in chinese?
Sayajin transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Sayajin in chinese:
Picture of the name Sayajin in chinese:

Meaning of Sayajin characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
萨 | Buddhist gods or immortals |
亚 | Asia; second |
金 | gold; metals in general; money |
Example sentences that contain Sayajin in chinese:
Sayajin's favorite color is blue
Sayajin's favorite fruit is the apple
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Saraiva | 萨拉瓦 |
Benavente | 贝纳文特 |
Hao | 豪 |
Sanjay | 桑杰 |
Xael | 赛尔 |
Lilio | 莉莉欧 |
Marc Daniel | 马克丹尼尔 |
Roseanne | 罗珊娜 |
Gabor | 嘉宝 |
Juan Cruz | 胡安·克鲁兹 |