Your name in chinese Schiffmann
How is Schiffmann written in chinese?
Schiffmann in simplified chinese:
Schiffmann in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Schiffmann in chinese?
Schiffmann transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Schiffmann in chinese:
Picture of the name Schiffmann in chinese:

Meaning of Schiffmann characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
席 | seat; mat; take seat; banquet |
夫 | man, male adult, husband; those |
曼 | long, extended, vast; beautiful |
Example sentences that contain Schiffmann in chinese:
Schiffmann's favorite color is yellow
Schiffmann's friend has two motorcycles
Schiffmann now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Schiffmann in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Draweed | 抽油烟机 |
Bushido | 武士道 |
Helder Wilson | 海尔德威尔逊 |
Faisal | 费萨尔 |
Lycia | 莉西亚 |
Stoiko | 斯托伊科 |
Bianka Abigail | 比安卡·阿比盖尔 |
Marie Dominique | 玛丽·多米尼克 |
Kowalski | 科瓦尔斯基 |
Mayar | 玛雅 |