Your name in chinese Scholastica

How is Scholastica written in chinese?

Scholastica in simplified chinese:


Scholastica in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Scholastica in chinese?

Scholastica transcribed to pinyin:

xué lè

Pronunciation of Scholastica in chinese:

Picture of the name Scholastica in chinese:

The name Scholastica in chinese characters

Meaning of Scholastica characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
learning, knowledge; school
happy, glad; enjoyable; music

Example sentences that contain Scholastica in chinese:

Scholastica's favorite color is white


xuélè zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì báisè

Scholastica has given ten trees a Qira


xuélè gěi qílā sòngle shí kē shù

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Hayleen 海琳
Elian 爱莲
Ferran 费兰
Chihab 奇哈布
Edita 编辑
Exell 埃克塞尔
Keyller 凯勒
Suny 苏尼
Melie 梅丽
Mariyam 玛丽亚姆

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