Your name in chinese Scholastica
How is Scholastica written in chinese?
Scholastica in simplified chinese:
Scholastica in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Scholastica in chinese?
Scholastica transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Scholastica in chinese:
Picture of the name Scholastica in chinese:

Meaning of Scholastica characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
学 | learning, knowledge; school |
乐 | happy, glad; enjoyable; music |
Example sentences that contain Scholastica in chinese:
Scholastica's favorite color is white
Scholastica has given ten trees a Qira
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Hayleen | 海琳 |
Elian | 爱莲 |
Ferran | 费兰 |
Chihab | 奇哈布 |
Edita | 编辑 |
Exell | 埃克塞尔 |
Keyller | 凯勒 |
Suny | 苏尼 |
Melie | 梅丽 |
Mariyam | 玛丽亚姆 |