Your name in chinese School

How is School written in chinese?

School in simplified chinese:


School in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce School in chinese?

School transcribed to pinyin:

xué xiào

Pronunciation of School in chinese:

Picture of the name School in chinese:

The name School in chinese characters

Meaning of School characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
learning, knowledge; school
school; military field officer

Example sentences that contain School in chinese:

School's friend has six televisions


xuéxiào de péngyǒu yǒu liù tái diànshì

School's favorite color is white


xuéxiào zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì báisè

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Joan Lorenzo 琼·洛伦佐
Medo 梅多
Shavira 沙维拉
London 伦敦
Hal 哈尔
Jayney 杰尼
Abderazzak 阿卜杜拉扎克
Juan Enrique 胡安·恩里克
Chimene 奇美内
Darlyn 达林

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