Your name in chinese Scrappy

How is Scrappy written in chinese?

Scrappy in simplified chinese:


Scrappy in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Scrappy in chinese?

Scrappy transcribed to pinyin:

hǎo dǒu de

Pronunciation of Scrappy in chinese:

Picture of the name Scrappy in chinese:

The name Scrappy in chinese characters

Meaning of Scrappy characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
good, excellent, fine; well
Chinese peck; liquid measure
possessive, adjectival suffix

Example sentences that contain Scrappy in chinese:

Scrappy has given seven books a Charles Henri


hǎodǒude gěi cháěrsī·hēnglì sòngle qī běn shū

Scrappy's favorite fruit is the pineapple


hǎodǒude zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì bōluó

Scrappy now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Azul 蓝色
Ruotong 若彤
Eusebio 尤塞比乌斯
Jaffet 贾菲特
Alyxia 爱丽夏
Dolinda 多琳达
Nyla 妮拉
Jonajah 约拿雅
Marrion 马里恩
Velasco 贝拉斯科

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