Your name in chinese Seal

How is Seal written in chinese?

Seal in simplified chinese:


Seal in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Seal in chinese?

Seal transcribed to pinyin:

hǎi bào

Pronunciation of Seal in chinese:

Picture of the name Seal in chinese:

The name Seal in chinese characters

Meaning of Seal characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
sea, ocean; maritime
leopard, panther; surname

Example sentences that contain Seal in chinese:

Seal has given ten watches a Lungcay


hǎibào gěi lóngjiāo sòngle shí ge shǒubiǎo

Seal's favorite color is blue


hǎibào zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Seal now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Katelynn 凯特琳
Philida 菲利达
Addie 艾迪
Randi 兰迪
Ethyn 乙炔
Phibie 菲比
Azel 阿泽尔
Eleonor 埃莉诺诺
Christina Moore 克里斯蒂娜·摩尔
Levani 列瓦尼

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