Your name in chinese Segundo

How is Segundo written in chinese?

Segundo in simplified chinese:


Segundo in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Segundo in chinese?

Segundo transcribed to pinyin:

dì èr

Pronunciation of Segundo in chinese:

Picture of the name Segundo in chinese:

The name Segundo in chinese characters

Meaning of Segundo characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
sequence, number; grade, degree
two; twice

Example sentences that contain Segundo in chinese:

Segundo has given two houses a Eyden


dìèr gěi àidēng sòngle liǎng jiān fángzi

Segundo and Eyden are very good friends


dìèr hé àidēng shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Segundo now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Irwing 欧文
Birgit 比尔吉特
Wassila 瓦西拉
Danesis 丹尼斯
Avinash 阿维纳什
Alex Jay 亚历克斯·杰

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