Your name in chinese Senta

How is Senta written in chinese?

Senta in simplified chinese:


Senta in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Senta in chinese?

Senta transcribed to pinyin:

sēn tǎ

Pronunciation of Senta in chinese:

Picture of the name Senta in chinese:

The name Senta in chinese characters

Meaning of Senta characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
forest; luxuriant vegetation
tower, spire, tall building

Example sentences that contain Senta in chinese:

Senta has given eight dogs a Nila


sēntǎ gěi nílā sòngle bā zhī gǒu

Senta is studying italian


sēntǎ zhèngzài xuéxí yìdàlìwén

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Rubenia 鲁本尼亚
Kevin Junior 小凯文
Henri 亨利
Onesime 阿尼西姆
Shriha 什里哈
Jefta 杰夫塔
Ferdaws 费尔道斯
Aarush 亚鲁什
Azaria 阿扎里亚
Sicha 死叉

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