Your name in chinese Serain
How is Serain written in chinese?
Serain in simplified chinese:
Serain in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Serain in chinese?
Serain transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Serain in chinese:
Picture of the name Serain in chinese:

Meaning of Serain characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
瑟 | large stringed musical instrument; dignified, massive; sound of wind |
兰 | orchid; elegant, graceful |
Example sentences that contain Serain in chinese:
Serain is studying japanese
Serain has given two books a Adrien
Serain now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Serain in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Jonchin | 琼钦 |
Anne Catherine | 安妮凯瑟琳 |
Alfons Widjanarko | 阿方斯·维贾纳科 |
Lijna | 丽娜 |
Annaliza | 安娜丽莎 |
Yan Xin Ni | 颜心妮 |
Yali | 雅丽 |
Pusa | 普萨 |
Animal | 动物 |
Mirais | 米赖斯 |