Your name in chinese Shaad Hossain

How is Shaad Hossain written in chinese?

Shaad Hossain in simplified chinese:


Shaad Hossain in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Shaad Hossain in chinese?

Shaad Hossain transcribed to pinyin:

shā dé hóu sài yīn

Pronunciation of Shaad Hossain in chinese:

Picture of the name Shaad Hossain in chinese:

The name Shaad Hossain in chinese characters

Meaning of Shaad Hossain characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated
ethics, morality, virtue
marquis, lord; target in archery
compete, contend; contest, race
cause, reason; by; because (of)

Example sentences that contain Shaad Hossain in chinese:

Shaad Hossain wants to go to France


shādéhóusàiyīn xiǎng qù fàguó

Shaad Hossain's favorite fruit is the tomato


shādéhóusàiyīn zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì fānqié

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Armandy 阿曼迪
Anak Halim 阿纳克·哈利姆
Dayanna 达安娜
Jian Lei 简磊
Ebel 玉宝
Margot Finkbeiner 玛格特·芬克拜纳
Ronni 罗尼
Mairany 迈拉尼
Kaylenne 凯伦
Chode 乔德

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