Your name in chinese Shaquille
How is Shaquille written in chinese?
Shaquille in simplified chinese:
Shaquille in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Shaquille in chinese?
Shaquille transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Shaquille in chinese:
Picture of the name Shaquille in chinese:

Meaning of Shaquille characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
沙 | sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated |
奎 | stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions |
尔 | you; that, those; final particle |
Example sentences that contain Shaquille in chinese:
Shaquille wants to go to Chile
Shaquille and Basilia are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Estela Maria | 埃斯特拉·玛丽亚 |
Lyham | 莱哈姆 |
Taylen | 泰伦 |
Yhojan | 约詹 |
Jorja Kay | 乔嘉凯 |
Steave | 斯蒂夫 |
Lady Allen | 艾伦夫人 |
Sarayma | 萨拉伊马 |
Latavia | 拉脱维亚 |
Miglena | 米格莱娜 |