Your name in chinese Shazwansha
How is Shazwansha written in chinese?
Shazwansha in simplified chinese:
Shazwansha in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Shazwansha in chinese?
Shazwansha transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Shazwansha in chinese:
Picture of the name Shazwansha in chinese:

Meaning of Shazwansha characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
沙 | sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated |
兹 | now, here; this; time, year |
万 | ten thousand; innumerable |
沙 | sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated |
Example sentences that contain Shazwansha in chinese:
Shazwansha wants to go to United Kingdom
Shazwansha and Azzedine are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Albeydi | 阿尔贝迪 |
Sajeem | 萨吉姆 |
Kiraderella | 基拉德雷拉 |
Oliver Hickling | 奥利弗·希克林 |
Afiq | 阿菲克 |
Ella | 埃拉 |
Sunny | 孙尼 |
Skolski | 斯科尔斯基 |
Serah | 塞拉 |
Guy | 贵 |