Your name in chinese Shein
How is Shein written in chinese?
Shein in simplified chinese:
Shein in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Shein in chinese?
Shein transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Shein in chinese:
Picture of the name Shein in chinese:

Meaning of Shein characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
辛 | bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem |
Example sentences that contain Shein in chinese:
Shein has given seven dogs a Victorina
Shein wants to go to France
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Limburg | 林堡 |
Liu Kanghi | 刘康基 |
Let | 让 |
Roc | 鹏 |
Izia | 伊齐亚 |
Danald | 达纳尔德 |
Chy | 奇 |
Gansiry | 甘西里 |
Neeko | 妮可 |
Jeronimo | 热罗尼莫 |