Your name in chinese Shen Daiyu
How is Shen Daiyu written in chinese?
Shen Daiyu in simplified chinese:
Shen Daiyu in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Shen Daiyu in chinese?
Shen Daiyu transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Shen Daiyu in chinese:
Picture of the name Shen Daiyu in chinese:

Meaning of Shen Daiyu characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
沉 | sink, submerge; addicted to |
黛 | blacken eyebrows; black |
玉 | jade, precious stone, gem |
Example sentences that contain Shen Daiyu in chinese:
Shen Daiyu wants to go to Japan
Shen Daiyu's friend has five motorcycles
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Tiffanie | 蒂凡妮 |
Tyguoune | 蒂古恩 |
Chakib | 查基布 |
Bat Dat | 蝙蝠数据 |
Aymar | 艾马尔 |
Yurak | 尤拉克 |
Ebony | 乌木 |
Patri | 帕特里 |
Philibert | 菲利伯特 |
Xin Lin | 辛琳 |