Your name in chinese Shequille
How is Shequille written in chinese?
Shequille in simplified chinese:
Shequille in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Shequille in chinese?
Shequille transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Shequille in chinese:
Picture of the name Shequille in chinese:

Meaning of Shequille characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
谢 | thank; decline |
奎 | stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions |
尔 | you; that, those; final particle |
Example sentences that contain Shequille in chinese:
Shequille's friend has nine watches
Shequille has given nine watches a April
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Kaylan | 凯兰 |
Alcide | 阿尔西德 |
Mesny | 梅斯尼 |
Kamiyah | 卡米耶 |
Florinela | 弗洛里内拉 |
Mikail | 米凯尔 |
Nema | 尼玛 |
Levanah | 莱瓦纳 |
Shangdi | 上地 |
Tancrede | 坦克雷德 |