Your name in chinese Sheren

How is Sheren written in chinese?

Sheren in simplified chinese:


Sheren in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Sheren in chinese?

Sheren transcribed to pinyin:

xiè lún

Pronunciation of Sheren in chinese:

Picture of the name Sheren in chinese:

The name Sheren in chinese characters

Meaning of Sheren characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
thank; decline
normal human relationships

Example sentences that contain Sheren in chinese:

Sheren's friend has three televisions


xièlún de péngyǒu yǒu sān tái diànshì

Sheren wants to go to Spain


xièlún xiǎng qù xībānyá

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Jisela 吉塞拉
Rumualdo 鲁穆阿尔多
Carly 卡莉
Hedler 赫德勒
Ellen 艾伦
Raina Lal 雷娜·拉尔
Luda 旅大
Lori 萝莉
Husna 胡斯纳
Jaggy 锯齿状

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