Your name in chinese Sheva

How is Sheva written in chinese?

Sheva in simplified chinese:


Sheva in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Sheva in chinese?

Sheva transcribed to pinyin:

shè wǎ

Pronunciation of Sheva in chinese:

Picture of the name Sheva in chinese:

The name Sheva in chinese characters

Meaning of Sheva characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
house, dwelling; dwell, reside
tile; earthenware pottery; girl

Example sentences that contain Sheva in chinese:

Sheva and Hoe are very good friends


shèwǎ hé chú shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Sheva's friend has three bikes


shèwǎ de péngyǒu yǒu sān liàng zìxíngchē

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Jayson 杰森
Saturnina 萨特尼纳
Manel 曼内尔
Pata 帕塔
Syf 赛夫
Clancy 克兰西
Sinnoh 神奥

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