Your name in chinese Shi Fa
How is Shi Fa written in chinese?
Shi Fa in simplified chinese:
Shi Fa in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Shi Fa in chinese?
Shi Fa transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Shi Fa in chinese:
Picture of the name Shi Fa in chinese:

Meaning of Shi Fa characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
石 | stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 |
发 | issue, dispatch, send out; hair |
Example sentences that contain Shi Fa in chinese:
Shi Fa's favorite color is green
Shi Fa is studying english
Shi Fa now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Shi Fa in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Maria Presentacion | 玛丽亚介绍 |
Meruni | 梅鲁尼 |
Didac | 迪达克 |
Laciel | 拉塞尔 |
Sagrario | 避难所 |
Franchesco | 弗朗切斯科 |
Rhys | 押韵 |
Sevgi | 塞夫吉 |
Claudine | 克劳丁 |
Paico | 派科 |