Your name in chinese Shien

How is Shien written in chinese?

Shien in simplified chinese:

Shien in traditional chinese:

How to pronounce Shien in chinese?

Shien transcribed to pinyin:


Pronunciation of Shien in chinese:

Picture of the name Shien in chinese:

The name Shien in chinese characters

Meaning of Shien characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
happy, joyous, delighted

Example sentences that contain Shien in chinese:

Shien's favorite fruit is the watermelon


xīn zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì xīguā

Shien's friend has four trees


xīn de péngyǒu yǒu sì kē shù

Shien now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Shien in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Alfreda 阿尔弗雷达
El Hassan 哈桑
Montero 蒙特罗
Reyan 热艳
Gwenaelle 格温娜
Hay 干草
Levin 莱文
Ardhani 阿尔达尼
Antonela 安东内拉
Chantal 尚塔尔

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