Your name in chinese Shikamaru
How is Shikamaru written in chinese?
Shikamaru in simplified chinese:
Shikamaru in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Shikamaru in chinese?
Shikamaru transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Shikamaru in chinese:
Picture of the name Shikamaru in chinese:

Meaning of Shikamaru characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
鹿 | deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 |
丸 | small round object; pellet, pill |
Example sentences that contain Shikamaru in chinese:
Shikamaru and Noble are very good friends
Shikamaru's favorite fruit is the watermelon
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Mazie | 玛齐 |
Manit | 马尼特 |
Aldrex | 阿尔德雷克斯 |
Teffy | 泰菲 |
Yi Na | 伊娜 |
Jose Ernesto | 何塞·埃内斯托 |
Qiongwen | 琼文 |
Evelin | 伊夫林 |
Muni | 牟尼 |
Larahmie | 拉拉米 |