Your name in chinese Shinichi

How is Shinichi written in chinese?

Shinichi in simplified chinese:


Shinichi in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Shinichi in chinese?

Shinichi transcribed to pinyin:

xīn yī

Pronunciation of Shinichi in chinese:

Picture of the name Shinichi in chinese:

The name Shinichi in chinese characters

Meaning of Shinichi characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
new, recent, fresh, modern
one; a, an; alone

Example sentences that contain Shinichi in chinese:

Shinichi has given three watches a Latasha


xīnyī gěi lātǎshā sòngle sān ge shǒubiǎo

Shinichi is studying french


xīnyī zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Eula 欧拉
Thiery 蒂埃里
Oceanne 海洋
Muzunzu 穆尊祖
Frankie 弗兰基
Benedicto 本尼迪克特
Debira 德比拉
Ivy Pearl 常春藤珍珠
Zein 玉米蛋白

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