Your name in chinese Shota
How is Shota written in chinese?
Shota in simplified chinese:
Shota in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Shota in chinese?
Shota transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Shota in chinese:
Picture of the name Shota in chinese:

Meaning of Shota characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
翔 | soar, glide, hover; detailed |
太 | very, too, much; big; extreme |
Example sentences that contain Shota in chinese:
Shota is studying spanish
Shota has given eight watches a Irmane
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Daouda | 道达 |
Miguel | 米格尔 |
Attilio | 阿蒂利奥 |
Carolle | 卡罗尔 |
Sook | 那么好吧 |
Jade Hermoso | 翡翠赫莫索 |
Sidarta | 西达塔 |
Echegoyen | 埃切戈延 |
Nava | 纳瓦 |
Maria Gemma | 玛丽亚·杰玛 |