Your name in chinese Shoyo

How is Shoyo written in chinese?

Shoyo in simplified chinese:


Shoyo in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Shoyo in chinese?

Shoyo transcribed to pinyin:

xiāo yáo

Pronunciation of Shoyo in chinese:

Picture of the name Shoyo in chinese:

The name Shoyo in chinese characters

Meaning of Shoyo characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
common artemisia; dejected
precious jade

Example sentences that contain Shoyo in chinese:

Shoyo wants to go to Russia


xiāoyáo xiǎng qù éguó

Shoyo's favorite fruit is the tomato


xiāoyáo zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì fānqié

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Qiong Yue 琼岳
Marfil 马菲尔
Alin 阿林
Ka Chun 家春
Fathima 法蒂玛
Charles Henri 查尔斯·亨利
Joelen 乔伦
Nito 日东
Azaan 阿赞
Melyna 梅琳娜

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