Your name in chinese Shoyo
How is Shoyo written in chinese?
Shoyo in simplified chinese:
Shoyo in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Shoyo in chinese?
Shoyo transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Shoyo in chinese:
Picture of the name Shoyo in chinese:

Meaning of Shoyo characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
萧 | common artemisia; dejected |
瑶 | precious jade |
Example sentences that contain Shoyo in chinese:
Shoyo wants to go to Russia
Shoyo's favorite fruit is the tomato
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Qiong Yue | 琼岳 |
Marfil | 马菲尔 |
Alin | 阿林 |
Ka Chun | 家春 |
Fathima | 法蒂玛 |
Charles Henri | 查尔斯·亨利 |
Joelen | 乔伦 |
Nito | 日东 |
Azaan | 阿赞 |
Melyna | 梅琳娜 |