Your name in chinese Sidaway
How is Sidaway written in chinese?
Sidaway in simplified chinese:
Sidaway in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Sidaway in chinese?
Sidaway transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Sidaway in chinese:
Picture of the name Sidaway in chinese:

Meaning of Sidaway characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
西 | west(ern); westward, occident |
达 | arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery |
威 | pomp, power; powerful; dominate |
Example sentences that contain Sidaway in chinese:
Sidaway's favorite fruit is the strawberry
Sidaway has given two motorcycles a Rimma
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Lolo | 洛洛 |
Marroquin | 马罗昆 |
Yaz | 亚兹 |
Jakayla | 贾卡耶拉 |
Cansel | 坎塞尔 |
Aif | 艾夫 |
Safa Din | 萨法丁 |
Joy Lau | 乔伊刘 |
Amadora | 阿马多拉 |
Wilton | 威尔顿 |