Your name in chinese Siem

How is Siem written in chinese?

Siem in simplified chinese:


Siem in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Siem in chinese?

Siem transcribed to pinyin:

xiān lì

Pronunciation of Siem in chinese:

Picture of the name Siem in chinese:

The name Siem in chinese characters

Meaning of Siem characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
rise; advance, go forward
grain; small particle

Example sentences that contain Siem in chinese:

Siem has given seven motorcycles a Felipe Andres


xiānlì gěi fèilìpèi·āndélièsī sòngle qī liàng mótuōchē

Siem and Felipe Andres are very good friends


xiānlì hé fèilìpèi·āndélièsī shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Kai Chun 开春
Marisa Beatriz 玛丽莎·比阿特丽斯
Wan Amirah 万阿米拉
Olga 奥尔加
Cherdim 切尔丁
Air 空气
Aswin 阿斯温
Chappy 家伙
Nicolas Steven 尼古拉斯·史蒂文
Kamiya 神谷

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