Your name in chinese Sishui
How is Sishui written in chinese?
Sishui in simplified chinese:
Sishui in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Sishui in chinese?
Sishui transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Sishui in chinese:
Picture of the name Sishui in chinese:

Meaning of Sishui characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
泗 | mucous; nasal flow; sniffle; river in Shandong |
水 | water, liquid, lotion, juice |
Example sentences that contain Sishui in chinese:
Sishui's favorite fruit is the watermelon
Sishui's friend has seven dogs
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Minty | 薄荷糖 |
Gerson | 格尔森 |
Michael Joey | 迈克尔·乔伊 |
Ambar | 安巴尔 |
Fion | 菲翁 |
Honor | 荣誉 |
Trev | 特雷夫 |
Justus | 贾斯特斯 |
War | 战争 |
Victor Gilberto | 维克多·吉尔伯托 |