Your name in chinese Smart Chaps
How is Smart Chaps written in chinese?
Smart Chaps in simplified chinese:
Smart Chaps in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Smart Chaps in chinese?
Smart Chaps transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Smart Chaps in chinese:
Picture of the name Smart Chaps in chinese:

Meaning of Smart Chaps characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
聪 | intelligent, clever, bright |
明 | bright, light, brilliant; clear |
的 | possessive, adjectival suffix |
小 | small, tiny, insignificant |
伙 | companion, colleague; utensils |
子 | offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch |
Example sentences that contain Smart Chaps in chinese:
Smart Chaps's favorite color is blue
Smart Chaps has given five televisions a Gi Far
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Maria Begoña | 玛丽亚·贝戈尼亚 |
Niya | 尼亚 |
Ching | 清 |
Obber | 奥伯 |
Azariah | 阿扎里亚 |
Consuelo | 安慰 |
Aykut | 艾库特 |
Ethan | 伊森 |
Adelyne | 阿德琳 |
Albine | 阿尔宾 |