Your name in chinese Smart Chaps

How is Smart Chaps written in chinese?

Smart Chaps in simplified chinese:


Smart Chaps in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Smart Chaps in chinese?

Smart Chaps transcribed to pinyin:

cōng míng de xiǎo huǒ zǐ

Pronunciation of Smart Chaps in chinese:

Picture of the name Smart Chaps in chinese:

The name Smart Chaps in chinese characters

Meaning of Smart Chaps characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
intelligent, clever, bright
bright, light, brilliant; clear
possessive, adjectival suffix
small, tiny, insignificant
companion, colleague; utensils
offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch

Example sentences that contain Smart Chaps in chinese:

Smart Chaps's favorite color is blue


cōngmíngdexiǎohuǒzǐ zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Smart Chaps has given five televisions a Gi Far


cōngmíngdexiǎohuǒzǐ gěi jífǎěr sòngle wǔ tái diànshì

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Maria Begoña 玛丽亚·贝戈尼亚
Niya 尼亚
Obber 奥伯
Azariah 阿扎里亚
Consuelo 安慰
Aykut 艾库特
Ethan 伊森
Adelyne 阿德琳
Albine 阿尔宾

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