Your name in chinese Sobiesky
How is Sobiesky written in chinese?
Sobiesky in simplified chinese:
Sobiesky in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Sobiesky in chinese?
Sobiesky transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Sobiesky in chinese:
Picture of the name Sobiesky in chinese:

Meaning of Sobiesky characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
索 | large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated |
比 | to compare, liken; comparison; than |
斯 | this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle |
基 | foundation, base |
Example sentences that contain Sobiesky in chinese:
Sobiesky wants to go to France
Sobiesky has given eight televisions a Nisha
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Susel | 苏塞尔 |
Hailyn | 海林 |
Marie Michele | 玛丽·米歇尔 |
Rijja | 里贾 |
Colsen | 科尔森 |
Shamanta | 萨满塔 |
Khiandra | 奇安德拉 |
Louies | 路易 |
Soldier | 士兵 |
Lazaro | 拉撒路 |