Your name in chinese Soli

How is Soli written in chinese?

Soli in simplified chinese:


Soli in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Soli in chinese?

Soli transcribed to pinyin:

suǒ lì

Pronunciation of Soli in chinese:

Picture of the name Soli in chinese:

The name Soli in chinese characters

Meaning of Soli characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated
gains, advantage, profit, merit

Example sentences that contain Soli in chinese:

Soli has given six televisions a Abdoullah


suǒlì gěi ābǔdùlā sòngle liù tái diànshì

Soli wants to go to Russia


suǒlì xiǎng qù éguó

Soli now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Soli in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Adriana 阿德里安娜
Ousmane 奥斯曼
Kiwi 猕猴桃
Ana Rubenia 安娜·鲁贝尼亚
Richi 里奇
Zahrah 扎赫拉
Briana 布里亚纳
Anke 安科
Sabbir 萨比尔
Marlot 马洛

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