Your name in chinese Solid

How is Solid written in chinese?

Solid in simplified chinese:


Solid in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Solid in chinese?

Solid transcribed to pinyin:

gù tǐ

Pronunciation of Solid in chinese:

Picture of the name Solid in chinese:

The name Solid in chinese characters

Meaning of Solid characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
to become solid, solidify; strength
body; group, class, body, unit; inferior

Example sentences that contain Solid in chinese:

Solid is studying italian


gùtǐ zhèngzài xuéxí yìdàlìwén

Solid's favorite color is red


gùtǐ zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì hóngsè

Solid now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Solid in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Elenna 埃琳娜
Shuichi 修一
Kolby 科尔比
Akinwunmi 阿金文米
Pyper 派珀
Fidel Junior 菲德尔少年
Judi 朱迪
Joannie 乔安妮
Moriah 莫里亚
Maximo Cesar 马克西莫·塞萨尔

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