Your name in chinese Somyi
How is Somyi written in chinese?
Somyi in simplified chinese:
Somyi in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Somyi in chinese?
Somyi transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Somyi in chinese:
Picture of the name Somyi in chinese:

Meaning of Somyi characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
索 | large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated |
米 | hulled or husked uncooked rice |
Example sentences that contain Somyi in chinese:
Somyi's favorite color is white
Somyi has given six trees a Asiyah
Somyi now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Somyi in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Yuliya | 尤丽雅 |
Lisa Laurence | 丽莎劳伦斯 |
Kailee | 凯莉 |
Alessandro | 亚历山德罗 |
Amethyst | 紫晶 |
Maria Paloma | 玛丽亚·帕洛玛 |
Ennio | 埃尼奥 |
Sonic | 索尼克 |
Apellido Freeman | 阿佩利多·弗里曼 |
Zuly | 祖利 |