Your name in chinese Summer

How is Summer written in chinese?

Summer in simplified chinese:


Summer in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Summer in chinese?

Summer transcribed to pinyin:

xià tiān

Pronunciation of Summer in chinese:

Picture of the name Summer in chinese:

The name Summer in chinese characters

Meaning of Summer characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
summer; great, grand, big
sky, heaven; god, celestial

Example sentences that contain Summer in chinese:

Summer is studying spanish


xiàtiān zhèngzài xuéxí xībānyáyǔ

Summer wants to go to France


xiàtiān xiǎng qù fàguó

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Clara Isabel 克拉拉·伊莎贝尔
Brother 兄弟
Phileas 菲利亚斯
Shiya 诗雅
Denisa 丹妮莎
Jerrard 杰拉德
Gwenn 格温
Azruel 阿兹鲁尔
Lorcan 洛坎

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