Your name in chinese Suse
How is Suse written in chinese?
Suse in simplified chinese:
Suse in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Suse in chinese?
Suse transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Suse in chinese:
Picture of the name Suse in chinese:

Meaning of Suse characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
苏 | abbreviation for Jiangsu province |
塞 | stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress |
Example sentences that contain Suse in chinese:
Suse's favorite fruit is the orange
Suse wants to go to China
Suse now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Suse in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Kenio | 肯尼奥 |
Abdel | 阿卜杜勒 |
Izan | 伊赞 |
Jean Marc | 让·马克 |
Huo | 霍 |
Joan Manuel | 琼·曼努埃尔 |
Francibel | 弗朗西贝尔 |
Lemuel | 雷米尔 |
Edcore | 爱核 |
Maria Flor | 玛丽亚·弗洛尔 |