Your name in chinese Syamsul

How is Syamsul written in chinese?

Syamsul in simplified chinese:


Syamsul in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Syamsul in chinese?

Syamsul transcribed to pinyin:

sān sū ěr

Pronunciation of Syamsul in chinese:

Picture of the name Syamsul in chinese:

The name Syamsul in chinese characters

Meaning of Syamsul characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
abbreviation for Jiangsu province
you; that, those; final particle

Example sentences that contain Syamsul in chinese:

Syamsul has given four books a Giselle


sānsūěr gěi jísàiěr sòngle sì běn shū

Syamsul is studying chinese


sānsūěr zhèngzài xuéxí zhōngwén

Syamsul now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Sparkle 火花
Jesus Vega 耶稣维加
Yansel 扬塞尔
Trishandeep 特里山深
Vanne 凡纳
Brisyalis 布里夏利斯
Mallory 马洛里
Lottin 洛廷
Ashri 阿什里

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